Hello, I'm
Aldi Pradana
Web Developer

  Contact Me

I am Aldi Pradana, I'm a web developer with 5 years of experience.

I was born in Klaten, on October 19, 2000. I started coding since 2017.

A few examples from my project

AutoRentCar Jogja Web Application

App Link : AutoRentCarJogja

Smart Finance Web Application

App Link : SmartFinance

Monitoring Data Covid19 Web Application

App Link : inponow-covid19

Web Storage

App Link : WebStorage

Explore Indonesia Web Application

App Link : ExploreIndonesia

ITSC Organization Web Application

App Link : ITSC-smkn2klaten

Realtime Private Chat App

App Link : inponow-web-chat


App Link : Scan Kuy

RealTime Face Detection

App Link : Face Detection

My Skills

The following is my small expertise, which I got from formal education at school and independent study from the internet.









My Experience

The following is my small expertise, which I got from formal education at school and independent study from the internet.


Blogger And Networking Student

Attended SMK N 2 Klaten majoring in computer network engineering. Write articles on network technology and operating system blogs


Front-end Web Developer

Make a simple static web school organization and teach basic web programming.


Fullstack Web Developer

Field practice as a web developer at a tractor company for 9 months, then continue working there.

My Activity

Most of my day-to-day activities are web development both on the front end and back end and keeping up with technological developments in the programming world. Apart from developing web applications, I also write articles on my blog.

I create a blog other than because I want to be able to help many people. follow me on Instagram _aldipradana, to ask other things

Where I'm?

Now tell me what is my full name?